The NPO started in 2005 with only 2 children but placed 3 more children within the first year of operations due to the big need for residential care facilities in the area. Little Angels moved around quite a bit in the first few years, but eventually found the perfect home in Bridgewater, Somerset West. Today Little Angels is home to 17 children, between the ages of 0 - 18 years.
All the children at Little Angels require 24-hour, highly specialized care and support as a result of their disabilities. The majority of the children suffer from multiple medical conditions such as Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Microcephaly, and Hydrocephaly. The children require assistive devices such as wheelchairs and buggies. Many of our children have PEG Tubes for feeding as the cannot take in food orally. Read more about the types of disabilities below.
Little Angels aim to provide a safe haven for these children and ensure that they receive the correct and proper medication, treatment and specialized programs to maintain their present abilities and support their growth.
We run daily educational programs that provide intellectual stimulation for the children, as well as physical therapy programs to ensure maximum mobility and flexibility. We also do daily fun activities that include music, art, storytelling and more. These programmes are endorsed by CSPID (Children with Severe and Profound Intellectual Disability), a governing body managed by the Department of Basic Education.
Our children’s immunity is more vulnerable due to their medical conditions and also the reason why we every child has a specific nutritional & medicinal plan (worked out by the Department of Health), to ensure we maintain his/her optimal health level. All of our children go for bi-annual hospital visits to ensure their assistive devices, i.e. wheelchairs or buggies still meet their growing needs.
We are driven by the overwhelming need for similar residential care facilities in our community, breaking down stigmas and stereotypes regarding disabilities and increasing awareness for those living with disabilities. We would like Little Angels to continue thriving, by sticking to our core values; compassion, dignity, competence and dedication and be an example for our fellow NPO’s.
Quality Residential Care for Disabled Children.
The following are types of disabilities that at least one of the children have, most of the children have multiple intellectual and/or physical disabilities.
CP affects a person’s ability to move and maintain their balance. It is caused by abnormal brain development before birth or damage to the developing brain before the age of five. Special equipment is needed to assist a child with severe CP to walk. Lifelong care is needed for certain children with severe CP that might not be able to walk at all. Children with CP may also have other developmental conditions such as intellectual disability, seizures, problems with vision, hearing, or speech, scoliosis, or joint problems. CP is the most common motor disability in childhood and cannot be cured.
This is a condition in which the child’s head is significantly smaller than normal. It is caused by abnormal brain development before birth due to malnutrition, infections, toxins drugs, or alcohol. Related conditions of children with microcephaly include intellectual disability, delayed motor and speech functions, facial distortions, hyperactivity, seizures, and dwarfism. There is no cure for this condition. Treatment involves supportive care and close monitoring.
Epilepsy is a neurological condition wherein nerve cell activity in the brain is abnormal. This causes seizures. Epilepsy is the result of a genetic disorder or a serious brain injury. This condition cannot be cured but can be treated by taking medication.
This is a condition in which there is a buildup of fluid in the cavities deep within the brain. The excess fluid puts pressure on the brain and causes brain damage. This results in headaches, impaired vision, cognitive difficulties, loss of coordination and loss of bladder control. Hydrocephalus can occur at any age, but is most common in infants and older adults. This condition is treatable through surgically inserting a tube into the brain to drain the excess fluid.
Spina bifida is a birth defect in which the baby’s spine and spinal cord don’t develop properly. This results in damage to the spinal cord and nerves. Depending on the severity of the case, the baby could be prone to life-threatening infections, bladder and bowel dysfunction, and may also cause paralysis. This condition cannot be cured, but surgery and treatment can help manage the complications.
This is a rare genetic disorder that affects a child's cognition, mobility, and overall health. It causes moderate to severe intellectual disability and problems with movement. It disrupts brain development before birth and occurs exclusively in males. Complications include impaired speech, a limited ability to communicate, muscle stiffness, muscle weakness, and involuntary movements of the arms and legs. This usually results in the inability to walk and becoming wheelchair-bound once the person reaches adulthood.
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
- Aesop